ICT for Development

20 Nov


Through this site, gives forward information on how ICT is used in development.  It is noted that for a

‘thriving society and an efficient economy, developing countries must invest in technology’ – CommonWealth Business Council, 2012.

ICT for development can help a developing country with bridging effectively with economic growth, and governance activities.   Through the use of technology, key players of the communities and markets would have a chance in developing technologies to research, and advocate for better business partnership.



My question is, how would a developing country get to invest in any technology if they aren’t given the chance to work out of poverty? When will they even manage to sustain on their own; if they are currently working under the Developed county’s power and globalization ideologies?

Imperialism has culturally embedded itself in so many Global South cultures; will technology in development give access to those in civil societies, or just private sectors?  There is so much political matter that needs to be considered through the process of development.

— Something to look into…

“He who is too busy doing good, finds no time to be good”. – Rabindranath Tagore


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